Safe Mercury Removal

Porcelain Crowns
Front two teeth treated with all ceramic porcelain crowns in order to close large diastema (gap between front teeth). Completed in two visits, no orthodontic treatment necessary.

Tooth Decay and Safe Mercury Removal
Tooth decay and safe mercury removal replaced with BPA free composite filling.

Gum Infection Treatment
Gum infection treated with scaling and root planing (deep cleaning), laser bacterial reduction and ozone therapy. This is a non surgical procedure.

Composite Filling for Enamel Fracture
Enamel fracture replaced with a composite filling.

Composite Filling for Chipped Enamel
Chipped enamel replaced with a composite filling.

Composite Filling for Chipped Teeth
Treatment of chipped teeth with conservative composite fillings. No anesthetic needed, 30 minute appointment.

Porcelain Veneers
Front 6 teeth treated with porcelain veneers. Patient had old mismatched veneers and stained composite fillings.

Composite Filling for Front Teeth
Front teeth restored with composite fillings. K-9 guidance also added to protect front teeth from further chipping. No anesthetic needed.

Veneers for Tooth Discoloration
Veneers placed on front 4 teeth due to wear and discoloration.

Tooth Decay and Safe Mercury Removal
Tooth decay and safe mercury removal replaced with BPA composite fillings.

Composite Filling for Fractured Front Teeth
Fractured front tooth restored with composite filling. No anesthetic needed.

Bleaching and Composite Filling
Bleaching and composite filling used to restore ideal length and color of front teeth. Conservative treatment without removing any tooth structure.

Scaling and Root Planing
Treatment of scaling and root planing.

Composite Fillings for Abfraction
Abfraction (lost of enamel at gum line) treated with composite fillings.

Composite Filling for Chipped Front Teeth
Chipped front teeth restored with composite fillings. No anesthetic needed.

Porcelain Veneers
Treatment of two porcelain veneers.

Composite Fillings for Short Worn Front Teeth
Short worn front teeth restored with composite fillings. One visit, no anesthetic needed and no natural tooth structure removed.

Composite Fillings for Fractured Front Tooth
Fractured front tooth restored with composite filling.

Composite Fillings for Abfraction & Decay
Abfractions and decay treated with composite fillings.

Composite Filling for Front Teeth
Front teeth restored with composite filling. K-9 guidance also added to protect front teeth from further chipping.