Dental restorations are common in dentistry, allowing patients to repair their smile after things have gone wrong. This may include tooth decay, periodontal disease, or even tooth loss. To restore the smile, it is crucial that the team at the Center for Holistic Dentistry in Los Angeles, California, use materials that are safe for the smile and avoid dental toxicity. Our holistic focus on biocompatible dentistry ensures that you will not have a reaction to any of the restorations used in the smile, including dental implants. Drs. Mamta Dalwani, Menachem Oren, and Chela Altman encourage patients interested in holistic care to consider the benefits of dental materials biocompatibility testing. The biocompatible test for dental materials will determine if you have an allergy or a reaction to a material used in a dental restoration.
Our dental team at the Center for Holistic Dentistry evaluates the smile to determine what restorations suit a patient’s unique needs. Then, the testing is done right in our office to learn more about the health of the patient’s smile and decide what materials would be the least reactive. This helps to avoid dental toxicity, which has been a problem in the past with materials such as silver amalgam fillings, known to release toxic mercury. Dental materials are not a “one size fits all” solution, and testing takes out the guesswork and ensures we are performing appropriate treatments for each individual.
At the Center for Holistic Dentistry, we have committed our team to provide biocompatible dentistry and ensure that all materials used in the smile are safe and effective for restoration and repair.
If you are in or around Los Angeles, CA, and want to speak to Drs. Mamta Dalwani, Menachem Oren, and Chela Altman, about your options for treatment, call (310) 340-0153 to request an appointment at our office.
We are open to new and returning patients in and around our community seeking biocompatible dentistry solutions that avoid dental toxicity and have a specific focus on holistic care.